
At Holy Trinity we value the smallest of children as vital and important members of the Kingdom of God. Our ministries to children and their families reflect our deep commitment to them and their spiritual formation.


For children ages two and younger, we offer Nursery all morning: for the 8:30AM and 11AM worship services as well during the 9:45am Fellowship & Formation Hour. During the summer we offer Nursery during the 10AM service. Parents are encouraged to pick up their children from the nursery just after the sermon so the children may join their families for Eucharist.


Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is an approach to the Christian formation of children that is rooted in the Bible, the liturgy of the church, and the educational principles of Maria Montessori. The Atrium (or prepared environment) is one of the important elements that helps the relationship between God and the child to flourish. The beautiful handmade materials aid the children in their understanding of the teachings of Jesus, worshiping God, and the essential tenets of our faith. To learn more about Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, watch this short video.

For the Sundays when we do not have Atrium, we provide art clipboards. We encourage families to come to worship services even when we don’t have Atrium. Our children are being shaped by worship and their development is impacted by the rhythms we live with them.

Click the headings below to find out more.

Supporting Families

We believe one of the most valuable services we can offer is to help families pray with their children at home and so continue to assist children and adults to live a common Christian experience in which the spiritual values of childhood, primarily those values of contemplation and enjoyment of God are celebrated. We want to continue to:

  • Equip parents to pray, read the Bible, and worship God together with their children.

  • Support parents to encounter Christ with their children and live the liturgical year within their homes

  • Help families strengthen their relationships with each other, with our Good Shepherd, and with their faith community.

To that end, we offer some additional opportunities: 

  • Prayer: Your catechists are praying for you and your families. We pray for parents who give witness of their Christian lives, a witness that is often without words, but which perseveres throughout a day-to-day life lived in accordance with the Gospel. And we pray for your children.

  • Celebrations: Celebrations include:

    • Feast of the Epiphany (sometime around January 6)

    • Liturgy of the Light (sometime around Easter)

    • Feast of Pentecost (sometime around Pentecost)

  • Podcast: We highly recommend The Good Shepherd and the Child podcast

  • Book Club: We may offer a book club for parents, to discuss The Good Shepherd and the Child : A Joyful Journey.

  • Coffee: We offer coffee, bread, and butter during the Formation Hour (9:45-10:45am) so parents may have a time to hang out and connect with one another.

For more information, please call (919) 504-3007 or email Children's Catechist Nancy Robinson.


In addition to our deep commitment to the spiritual formation of children, we are committed to their safety. We require all adults working with children and youth up to age 18 to undergo a background check, submit references, attend an IN-PERSON Child Safety Protection Policy lunch, as well as ONLINE MinistrySafe Sexual Abuse Prevention Training every two years. You can read our Policy for Supervised Individuals and Registered Sex Offenders. We require any such persons to self-report with this form.