Upcoming events.

Sung Compline

Sung Compline

Compline derives its name from a Latin word meaning ‘completion.' It is an ancient service of quietness and reflection before rest at the end of the day. The beauty of Compline remains in its simplicity, as we entrust ourselves to the care of our Lord. Our Compline Choir leads this service. All are welcome.

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Ash Wednesday Evening Service

Ash Wednesday Evening Service

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5. This day marks the beginning of the 40 day preparation for Easter. We will offer the imposition of ashes at two Ash Wednesday services: 7:30am  (ashes only) and 6pm (ashes and Eucharist). Please come. Also, here's a quick read to help you prepare to keep a holy Lent.

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Ash Wednesday Morning Service

Ash Wednesday Morning Service

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5. This day marks the beginning of the 40 day preparation for Easter. We will offer the imposition of ashes at two Ash Wednesday services: 7:30am  (ashes only) and 6pm (ashes and Eucharist). Please come. Also, here's a quick read to help you prepare to keep a holy Lent.

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Discipleship Weekend
to Feb 22

Discipleship Weekend

Mark your calendars to join us for our third annual Discipleship Weekend February 21st and 22nd! Rev. Susan Currie is coming to speak to us about a life of prayer, a theme we will be exploring together as a parish this year. Early Bird Registration ends January 21st. Register Here.

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Sung Compline

Sung Compline

Compline derives its name from a Latin word meaning ‘completion.' It is an ancient service of quietness and reflection before rest at the end of the day. The beauty of Compline remains in its simplicity, as we entrust ourselves to the care of our Lord. Our Compline Choir leads this service. All are welcome.

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PSS Brown Bag Info Lunch

PSS Brown Bag Info Lunch

Prayers for Life - January is "Sanctity of Human Life" Month. One way Holy Trinity lives this out is supporting Pregnancy Support Services (PSS) in Chapel Hill, a Christian non-profit offering help to those facing unplanned pregnancies. Pray for this ministry. PSS will join us here for a brown bag lunch on Feb 16. For information on involvement or attending their March 31st banquet, contact Sharon Guyer (auntsharonps84@gmail.com).

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Hospitality Team Lunch

Hospitality Team Lunch

Hospitality Team for 2025 - meeting Sunday, January 12 -  Do you have a heart for making folks feel welcome or serving behind the scenes to make special events happen?  We’d love you to consider a one-year commitment to our hospitality team.  We’ll review our plan for 2025 after church in the conference room.  Contact Jamie Saunders with questions (Jamie.pickrell@gmail.com)

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Newcomer's Lunch

Newcomer's Lunch

Newcomers' Lunch // Jan 19: After the worship service on Sunday, January 19, all newcomers are welcome to join us for lunch to hear more about Holy Trinity and our mission. If you haven’t attended one yet, come! Please RSVP here

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Ukraine Benefit Dinner

Ukraine Benefit Dinner

Benefit Dinner for Ukraine// Jan 7 Join us for a Ukrainian dinner on Jan 7 at 5:30 PM. The Antoniuks (a Ukrainian refugee family that call Holy Trinity home) will be treating our parish to a Ukrainian holiday feast. It's going to be a wonderful evening of food & fellowship. All proceeds will go to support the Antoniuks home church as they care for the needy and refugees from the war. Register here.

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Church Decorating

Church Decorating

Decorate the Church - Join us to decorate the church for Christmas on Sunday, December 22 after the service.  We’ll ready our space for Christmastide and share a simple soup potluck. You can sign up here to help that day or pick up items in advance.

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Sung Compline

Sung Compline

Compline derives its name from a Latin word meaning ‘completion.' It is an ancient service of quietness and reflection before rest at the end of the day. The beauty of Compline remains in its simplicity, as we entrust ourselves to the care of our Lord. Our Compline Choir leads this service. All are welcome.

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Women's Quiet Day Retreat

Women's Quiet Day Retreat

Saturday, December 7.  9am-3pm.  Register here. The day will offer time for both quiet reflection and fellowship, prayer and worship.  Lunch will be provided.  Come away from the rush of our world in this season and enter into the restful, preparatory season of Advent. You are welcome to come if you're brand new to Holy Trinity or have been around for years, if you love Advent or if you aren't really sure what it's about.Please bring a Bible, journal, and anything that would make you feel cozy and comfortable--a favorite sweater, blanket, etc.Coffee & tea will be available all day; lunch (with gluten-free and veg. options) will be provided.

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Soup and Prayer

Soup and Prayer

The Global Outreach Team will have their monthly mission “Soup and Prayer” meeting on Wednesday evening October 23rd from 6:30 to 8:00 PM at Holy Trinity. “Soup” means potluck so bring your favorite dish (preferable simple). Eating will be from 6:30 to 7:15 and prayers will begin at 7:15.

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Public Service of Healing

Public Service of Healing - Nov 10th: The Church offers healing in the Name of Jesus for anyone who is hurting physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Our service will include prayers for healing and repentance, as well as anointing with oil and laying on of hands by clergy and prayer ministers. We'll start at noon after the service. Questions contact Mark Johnson.

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Giving Garden Harvest Day

Giving Garden Harvest Day: On Saturday, October 26th, we will gather together as a community to harvest the last fruits of another beautiful year in the Giving Garden. Please join us even if you have not volunteered before. We will work from 9:30-11, with a catered lunch afterwards to thank you all for your time and efforts. Please RSVP to Anne Hammond (nursery@holytrinitych.org) by October 12th so we can have a headcount for food!

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Global Outreach Team Soup and Prayer

The Global Outreach team of Holy Trinity is excited to announce our first monthly mission “Soup and Prayer” meeting on Wednesday evening October 23rd from 6:30 to 8:00 PM at Holy Trinity. “Soup” means potluck so bring your favorite dish (preferable simple). Eating will be from 6:30 to 7:15 and prayers will begin at 7:15.

Our ultimate goal is to pray predominantly for “Missionaries” but since Holy Trinity supports no missionaries at this time we're expanding prayer requests to include prayers for our members who are involved in missions to internationals as well as prayers for missional organizations Holy Trinity or our individual congregants support.

A list of prayer requests will be prepared for each meeting as a guide. So, send your prayer requests to billwismer@hotmail.com with a couple of paragraphs or a few bullets with specific needs/prayers to place before the Lord. If you want to be notified about monthly meetings, please send a quick note in your e-mail to Bill Wismer.

If you would like to be on the Global Outreach listserv please send an email to Kellan Borror indicating so.

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Sung Compline

Sung Compline, Third Sunday of the Month, 8pm: Compline derives its name from a Latin word meaning ‘completion’ (completorium). It is an ancient service of quietness and reflection before rest at the end of the day. The beauty of Compline remains in its simplicity, as we entrust ourselves to the care of our Lord. Our Compline Choir leads this service. All are welcome.

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to Oct 20

Men’s Retreat

Men's Fall Retreat: Men are invited to attend our annual fall retreat, Friday, Oct 18th through Sunday, Oct 20th. We'll gather in the lovely NC mountains, near Beech Mountain, for building our faith and strengthening our friendships. Space is limited to 18, so register here today. Cost is $85.00. Questions? Contact Shae McCowen (shaemccowen@yahoo.com).

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Essentials Class Begins

The Essentials of Christian Formation Class Begins October 6th: We will meet weekly from 8:45 to 9:45, before the Sunday morning service and will cover the key teachings of the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Questions? Contact Todd Granger, Parish Catechist for Adults (btoddgranger@gmail.com).

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Bp. Steve's Episcopal Visit and Fall BBq

Bp. Steve's Episcopal Visit and Fall BBq

All Parish BBQ, Sunday, September 22:  Please join us for an all parish BBQ after our worship service with Bp. Steve here for confirmations and receptions.  This is a wonderful way to kick off the fall, meet new folks, eat some great bbq, and enjoy folk music from our own musicians!  We’re asking for a small contribution to defray costs: $5 per person or $20 for a family of 4 or more.  In order to plan for this delicious day, we need you to register here. 

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Compline Service

Compline Service

Sung Compline, Third Sunday of the Month, June 16, 8pm: Compline derives its name from a Latin word meaning ‘completion’ (completorium). It is an ancient service of quietness and reflection before rest at the end of the day. The beauty of Compline remains in its simplicity, as we entrust ourselves to the care of our Lord. Our Compline Choir leads this service. All are welcome.

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Small Groups Resume
to Sep 21

Small Groups Resume

Small Groups this Fall - Meeting together in one another’s homes is a counter-cultural practice, leaning away from our tendencies to come home and draw up the drawbridge, retiring to our own worlds--often digital ones. Let’s counter the “disembodied, asynchronous, shallow, and solitary” (J. Haidt) digital life our culture offers with embodied, synchronous, deep, and collective connection. Please take a moment to check out the groups on our website.  For more information, contact Lisa McCowen.

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