We are seeking to love, worship, and serve God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in the Chapel Hill Area.
Please Join us at 10am on Sunday Mornings: Livestream Or Plan your Visit
Nursery is offered downstairs for children 3 and under.
Atrium is offered downstairs for children ages 3 (by Aug 31, 2024 and potty trained) to 6th grade.
Children 1st-6th grade may come at 9:30am and children ages 3 years-kindergarten may come at 9:55am
Children will be brought back into the service in time for Holy Communion.
Click below to read more about what we offer for children.
Join us for Ash Wednesday
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5. This day marks the beginning of the 40 day preparation for Easter. We will offer the imposition of ashes at two Ash Wednesday services: 7:30am (ashes only) and 6pm (ashes and Eucharist). Please come. Also, here's a quick read to help you prepare to keep a holy Lent.
Upcoming Events
What’s Happening at Holy Trinity
Click the headers for more information.
Parish News
Parking Changes
Parking Changes - This Sunday, we no longer have access to the gravel lot. If you are a visitor, have mobility issues, or are a solo parent supervising children you are welcome to park in our lot. Otherwise, please park across the street at the Southern Village Park and Ride Lot. Everyone is welcome to use our drop-off system for passengers before parking across the street.
Newcomer's Class
If you are interested in becoming a member of Holy Trinity, you are invited to attend 4 classes, which form a required course for joining the church. We will meet 8:45-9:45am, on Sundays in the coming weeks. Please RSVP to Kellan (admin@holytrinitych.org) if you are interested in participating.
If you are interested in becoming a member of Holy Trinity, you are invited to attend 4 classes, which form a required course for joining the church. We will meet 8:45-9:45am, on Sundays in the coming weeks. Please RSVP to Kellan (admin@holytrinitych.org) if you are interested in participating.
Ministry Opportunities
Left-Hand Food Box blesses people each week!
Please remember the blessing box when you make your grocery trip each week, if you are able. I encourage you to get your children involved in picking out something and then allowing them to place it in the collection boxes outside the two church entrances. I assure you even just one item added to the supply helps. Items to bring: canned chili, beans & meats, canned ravioli, high protein soups, pasta noodles/sauce, canned fruits, rice. Lunch items: canned Vienna sausage, saltine crackers, granola bars, PB or cheese crackers, fruit cups, granola bars/protein bars. No perishable foods, please.
Youth Volunteers Needed
Our youth are growing in fellowship, ministry, and service, and we need more volunteers to support this growth! If you’re 18+, have a heart for youth, and want to share life and faith with Holy Trinity’s young people, please connect with Lewis Purcell. Our goal is to have enough volunteers to host 2-4 events weekly without overloading anyone.
Response to Helene in Western NC
Here’s an update about our parish’s response to the hurricane’s devastation in the NC mountains. Read there about how we can go, gather, give, and pray. If you're interested in a joining a team going from Holy Trinity in the new year, email Kevin Higgins (khiggs1@hotmail.com).
Ways to connect
Please fill out this virtual visitor’s card and our clergy will follow up with you or introduce yourself to one of our clergy on Sunday.
Exchange information
Every few months, we host a Newcomers Lunch for people who have started attending Holy Trinity. It is an opportunity for us to get to know you and for you to hear our story. If you are interested in attending, please contact Kellan Borror (kellan@holytrinitych.org).
Attend a Newcomer’s Lunch
Small Groups are an excellent way for you to get to know other parishioners and share in prayer, conversation, and food. If you are interested in joining a Small Group, please contact our Director of Parish Life, Rev. Lisa McCowen (lisa@holytrinitych.org).